The Penn State Alumni Association

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The memory that I would like to share from my college years is my 1st semester at University Park in the summer of 1988. Guidance allowed me to take a full semester of 16 credits to get a jump start on my junior year. The friends that I was given and the memorable times we spent on campus and gallivanting around the State College area, help me remember what a joyous time it was. These memories occasionally overshadow the hardships I experienced later in earning my degree from PSU. I reflect upon Bald Eagle, Pattee, The Creamery, an empty Beaver Stadium, Briarwood Apts., the Rathskellar, the lawn of Old Main, Nittany Mountain, the Rte. 322 truckstop, Baby's Diner, the Surf Club, The Arts Festival, Penn's Cave, and the 30 meter dive at the Pool and thought at the time that my world was getting Sooooo big. And there were chipmunks scurrying everywhere. My friends helped me focus on my schoolwork. Our bonds were thick, if only for a short time. At the end of the year my friends left University Park to create and pursue their own opportunities. Although I spent time with other friends at college, I feel the deepest sense of gratitude towards my parents, David and Barbara, whose love and support made me able enough to finish what I had started and earn a baccalaureate degree under very difficult circumstances. I don't know want to think about what I would do without it. Thank You.